College of Education, Arts, and Humanities Mission and Goals

The College of Education and Human Sciences operates collaboratively with the other colleges of the university, the university staff, and outside agencies to produce professional graduates who will be effective in the field of human learning and services. The College of Education and Human Sciences strives for a stimulating, positive environment and provides its students with professional faculty who emulate and model the profession competencies, skills, and affects expected of Delta State University graduates from the College of Education.

The professional faculty and administration have numerous professional responsibilities. Quality of instruction and professional service are critical to the mission of this regional university. Scholarly works and publications are strongly encouraged as professional outcomes for the entire university faculty and administration. Through evaluation processes the effectiveness of degree programs is a significant goal.

Primary importance is given to the academic and scholarly development of students. Equally important are the necessary professional skills for career success. The work ethic of graduates and their demonstrated empathy and human relations skills are traditions associated with graduates of the College of Education and Human Sciences.

Within the College of Education and Human Sciences the numerous degree programs that train professional educators exist to repare graduates to address societal needs, educational needs and personal needs. All education degree programs are created to prepare individuals to function in professional service careers. At all levels and in all areas, raduates are intended to impact societal needs through their particular professional area(s). Such an impact in the educational setting is accomplished by graduates as they address the educational needs of their students/clients to become productive self-sufficient members of society.


  1. Impact societal needs through graduates in the areas of human learning and services.
  2. Provide a collaborative network of professionals (College of Education and Human Sciences, university, and outside agencies) whose efforts address professional education needs of students.
  3. Provide faculty and students with a positive, stimulating, learning environment.
  4. Ensure for quality instruction and professional service from College of Education and Human Sciences faculty and encourage scholarly research and works.
  5. Ensure that students receive necessary scholarly instruction, professional knowledge learning experiences, professional ethics training, human relations training, and appropriate field experiences.
  6. Provide educational and cultural experiences designed to enhance and fulfill the potential of all persons without regard to race, religion, national origin, sex, or age.
  7. Assess the effectiveness of professional education degree program.