Division of Mathematics and Sciences

The mission of the Division of Mathematics and Sciences is to provide high-quality instruction in mathematics and sciences, to encourage students to perform to their full potential, and to instill a scientific attitude that will develop scientifically literate, educated professionals. The Division seeks to develop the technical competence and the broad intellectual foundation needed to understand the impact of mathematics, science and technology on humans and to make informed decisions on social, ethical, and environmental questions. The Division also endeavors to meet the general educational needs of the University; to contribute new knowledge in math and science and math and science education; and to serve the needs of educators, other professionals, and communities within the service area. Courses are offered that introduce the general student to the various fields of mathematics and sciences and that offer subject matter concentrations for students preparing for careers in math and science. The Division also serves students preparing to teach math and science at the elementary and secondary levels and students preparing for admission to professional schools in the health related fields. The Division offers six baccalaureate degree programs.  Within each degree program, various concentrations are chosen to meet the career objectives of the student. The requirements for each degree program and concentration are described under Academic Majors elsewhere in the catalog.

In addition to baccalaureate degrees, the Division offers preparation for health related professional programs, including medicine, dentistry, medical laboratory sciences, dental hygiene, occupational therapy, optometry, pharmacy, physical therapy, radiologic sciences, and veterinary medicine. Degrees in these health professions are awarded by professional schools such as the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, Mississippi, Mississippi State University and elsewhere. The Division provides curricula which satisfy the entry requirements for such programs. Students interested in any program leading to professional training are urged to consult frequently with the appropriate health professions advisor for current information on entrance requirements for professional schools. The Division also offers pre-requisite courses for admission to engineering programs.  Detailed schedules of requirements for all degree programs and pre-professional programs are available in the Division office. They are also available for download from the Division website. Classroom and laboratory facilities of the Division of Mathematics and Sciences are housed in Caylor-White-Walters Halls and in the GIT Center in Kethley Hall on the Delta State University campus in Cleveland, MS.

The Division maintains the Wiley Planetarium which offers educational outreach to K-12 teachers and students and the general community through planetarium shows and events.  The Center for Science and Environmental Education (CSEE) located in Merigold, MS is also maintained by the Division. CSEE is an educational resource center for area science teachers and provides pre-college and in-service teacher workshops designed to improve the skills of area science teachers in providing high quality science instruction.  The Division also is the academic home for the Center for Interdisciplinary Geospatial Information Technologies (GIT).  The mission of the Center is to provide geospatial services, accessible education and training, and institutional knowledge for geospatial information technologies to the widest possible audience, and particularly, the mid-Delta region.

Interim Division Chair
Dr. Joe Bentley

Offices: Walters Hall 109

P: 662-846-4240